Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A 9/11 Shrine – Again

Yesterday morning after the announcement that Osama bin Laden was killed, our neighbor who lost his son in the World Trade Center attacks put his shrine downstairs in the lobby. I took a picture of it for the blog because it touched me, and it so exemplifies the shrines that I talk about all the time.

Michael’s death in that horrible event had a bad effect on his mother, who was never the same after that and died a few years ago.

His father was so proud of him, as you can see by the details he provided about his life here. Reading Michael’s accomplishments, it reminds me of my own thoughts about the deep tragedy of the loss of knowledge and experience that such an untimely death causes – besides the deep heartache and never-ending sorrow from the loss of the loved one.

We wrote a card and added it to the shrine. I think of the Colberts every time I think about that awful day. The elimination of Osama bin Laden does not take away the sadness or create “closure” – that over-used, false word that is so often used in place of “revenge.” Nothing closes wounds like these.

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