Friday, May 27, 2011

Pigeon Condominium in Colombia!

Today as I was walking near the conference center in Cartagena, Colombia (where I am today), I noticed some pigeons on the grass. I walked closer, and saw to my amazement some REAL pigeon condominiums! What a remarkable coincidence! I had to take a photograph to share with you.

There were two pretty little three-story houses side by side (with a servant’s quarters on the top floor!), set on a plinth about 6 feet up from the ground. The pigeons were happily standing on their balcony and hanging out in their condos. Truly a wonderful coincidence.

And then, though I had lamented not seeing much wildlife here, within only a few minutes I saw this gorgeous, large iguana. He didn’t let me get too close, and it was both surprising and amusing to see him run away. He could really move fast!

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